American high schools = myths vs. reality

1. Can extracurricular activities prepare you for the future?

1a. Some examples of extra-curricular activities

American high schools are big on extracurricular activities!

Which activities would you like to have in your high school?

to be big on = to like something very much

Model UN = simulations de débats sur le modèle des Nations Unies

1b. Quiz - Which extracurricular activity is made for you?

1c. Matching exercise

2. Extra-curricular activities at F.J. Brennan High School

a. Who is speaking? To whom?

b. Why are extra-curricular activities important in students' lives according to the speaker?






gateway (n.) = porte (ouverte sur...)


life-long (adj.) = for the rest of life


journey* (n.) = voyage


student council = conseil des délégués pour la vie lycéenne


touchdown / home run = scoring methods in rugby


well-rounded (adj.) = équilibré (personne)

graduation reunion = réunion des élèves d'un même lycée, souvent 10 ans après leur fin d'études

2. The school of the future?